Batch #22440

Starting: US$38.00

juniper, grapefruit, cedar


With a great new year upon us, it’s time to release our first limited batch for 2023.

Our Yuzo-style process has surprised us with a whole new range and expression of flavor. This Yuzo batch is one-of-a-kind and deserves to be shared as a Limited Edition.

Batch #22440 is a fantastic explosion of flavors, with notes like juniper, grapefruit, and cedar.

Unlike anything we have tasted, we welcome you to enjoy this limited offering while it lasts.


With a great new year upon us, it’s time to release our first limited batch for 2023.

Our Yuzo-style process has surprised us with a whole new range and expression of flavor. This Yuzo batch is one-of-a-kind and deserves to be shared as a Limited Edition.

Batch #22440 is a fantastic explosion of flavors, with notes like juniper, grapefruit, and cedar.

Unlike anything we have tasted, we welcome you to enjoy this limited offering while it lasts.


Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Roasted, 10g, 50g, Unroasted, 60g, 1kg


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